Annual Payment Plan
What's included
A one-time payment and you’re all set for the year! With the choice of a single class or unlimited classes per week, as well as two gradings* members can save up to £110 per year with an annual membership!
*Note: JudoScotland membership is required to participate in gradings
Where to pay
Membership fees are payable to Tanoshii Sports Ltd
Sort Code: 608371
Account Number: 84857545
Reference: Your Child’s Name
When to pay
Our annual memberships run from September 1st - August 31st. These plans will also be available pro-rata, so if you decide throughout the year that this is the option for you, please contact us via email or speak to a coach at your class.
How much to pay
Individual Membership : £304
Squad Membership: £440
Payment Policy
Our memberships are paid year round. Should you cancel payment you may lose your space in your class. We do not offer refunds, so please speak to the coaches should you wish to cancel or freeze your membership. Family discount applies to cheapest membership purchased. Unlimited classes only applies to age-appropriate classes.